Program Extensions


If you are within 30 days of your I-20 program end date, and you do not plan to finish by that date, you must contact OVIS to request an extension to your program.

  • Contact OVIS. 
  • Discuss the extension request with your department or academic advisor. Your advisor will provide us with a valid reason for the extension. Poor academic performance and non-completion or failure of courses are not valid reasons for program extension. 
  • Submit the F-1 Program Extension e-form (Undergraduate/Graduate students) in iDartmouth. You will be asked to include your advisor's name and email, which will send a link to him/her to complete a "second approver" form in support of your extension request. Ensure that you have additional funding (e.g. Dartmouth funding, personal funding, etc.) for the extension period. 
  • Contact the Registrar's Office to have your expected graduation term updated in DartHub
  • OVIS will review your request and issue you a new Form I-20 reflecting the new program end date.