If you receive compensation in the U.S. for employment, scholarship, stipend or loans, you may need a SSN for federal income tax filing and related tax compliance.
OVIS is open for walk-in hours on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons from 1pm to 4pm for document drop-off and pick-up. Individual advising is by appointment only.
International students, scholars, faculty, and staff who will be traveling outside the U.S. during the winter break should be sure to have your immigration documents in order prior to departing.
Please review OVIS Winter Travel Checklist to ensure you have the immigration documents you need in order to reenter the U.S.
If you were present in the United States during any part of 2024 in an immigration status, you may be required to file an annual tax return with the federal government. OVIS offers a Tax Workshop in the winter term and provides students and scholars (with non-resident alien tax filing status) access to Sprintax tax preparation program.
2025 OVIS Tax Workshop
Tuesday, February 11 @ 12pm EST at Cook Auditorium in Tuck School Murdough Center (map)
Dartmouth has partnered with Travisa Passport and Visa Service to provide students, faculty and staff with comprehensive information and support in obtaining travel documents for travel outside the U.S.