Nonimmigrant Intent

Nonimmigration Intent

B-2 visa applicants are not guaranteed to be granted a visitor visa. The decision to approve a visa application is up to the discretion of the consular officer, and considers a number of factors, including the applicant's ability to demonstrate to the U.S. consulate or embassy a residence in the home country, strong ties to the home country, and an intention to return to the home country after the temporary stay in the United States.

Evidence of ties can include, but are not limited to::

  • The applicant's employment;
  • The applicant's ownership of a residence;
  • Membership in organizations;
  • Financial ties (bank accounts, retirement accounts); and/or
  • The applicant's relationships with family and friends.

While conducting visa interviews, consular officers look at each application individually and consider the applicant's circumstances, travel plans, financial resources, and ties outside of the United States that will ensure the applicant's departure after a temporary visit.