Out of Country for More Than 30 Days
The J-1 rules allow for a research scholar to participate in a program outside the U.S. for a scheduled period of time, provided that the research scholar continues to engage in the J-1 program activities while abroad. The research scholar can maintain an active SEVIS record and valid J-1 status for the designated "out of country" period. Authorization to be out of country is required when the research scholar will be outside the U.S. for a period of more than 30 days, not to exceed 90 days. The period of time outside the U.S. must be commensurate with the nature of the research to be conducted abroad, as confirmed in writing by the supervising faculty member. Any absences must also comply with applicable institutional policies. OVIS must be notified in advance of the planned travel, and the host department/faculty supervisor must provide a letter, on department letterhead, stating the dates of travel, specific address(es) where the research scholar will be based abroad, and confirming that the purpose of the travel is to engage in activities directly related to and in furtherance of the J-1 research program objectives.
Please also review this page for general J-1 travel information.